I still need to fix my bike computer...
Today i had a doctor's appointment to check out my "pre-cancer" and see what steps i need to take to insure i don't develop a actual case of cancer. But alas, i woke up at 7:25 after turning off my commuter alarm at 6:30 thinking my other alarm would wake me (which it did not). Well waking up at 7:25 wouldn't be so bad if my appointment wasn't at 7:30. So i basically got up and just got into the car. To add to my being late there was a nice inch of "frost" on my windshield that i had to scrape off, so i got off as much needed to be safe and roared down the road, only to crest that hill and face the sun and a now glazed over windshield rendering me blind. Unused to being blind in a vehicle i panicked and eventually came to a stop and cleared my windshield in the spot that somehow developed ice on it after removing it.
After almost wrecking because of frost, i arrived at the hospital only about 15 mins late...not too bad. Then i showed up signed in and the lady said she had no idea who i was...great. She phoned two other skin doc's and one said "yeah he's supposed to be here", which "here" is across town. So not only was i late but i was at the wrong freaking building. ugh.
All of that preventing me from riding my bike today. i almost drove home on my lunch break just to ride it back and forth. but i didn't. I'm not that hardcore.
Also, congrads to Darryl for winning the football pool.
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