Today i awoke to freak weather. In the midst of all my complaining we've received 50+ degree weather. I walked outside and immediately started sweating in my sweater, go figure. Well being that winter isn't for another 11 days I'm not surprised because i learned from none other than Lewis Black that fall doesn't know what to do with itself. Fall is the season of identity crisis.

I work 40 hours a week at a desk and i have the same 20 albums on our database basically since i started working here 3 1/2 years ago and I've become relatively sick of all the same music. I found an awesome button on my media player...SHUFFLE! So one second I'm listening to Blood Brothers or Fugazi and the next second I'm listening to Sigur Ros or Bob Dylan. Its odd but cool. The next best thing would be to have a nice voice in between each song saying the weather and traffic or something about world news. But that would take away from my Internet surfing.
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