The only problem this morning was it was just below freezing and the past two days it has been raining non stop, so the roads were slick. I was pretty careful but i did slip around a couple of times. Lots of black ice everywhere.
My legs are working again, working very well in fact. So i think i'm just going to maintain everything I'm doing at this point. I have a feeling it was vitamins, though. I need to carefully read those ingredients.
There is a joke amongst some of my friends about Michael Bay films, which include:
- Armageddon
- Transformers
- Bad Boys 1 and 2
- The Island
- The Rock
- Pearl Harbor
Sabrina, you should definitely buy the new TV on the Radio album. Specially if you enjoy ANY of their other music at all.
Armageddon and The Rock are both great.
Anon @ 9:32-
Thats funny. Great in what aspect? I would venture to say they are merely entertaining, as is The Island, Transformers, and Bad Boy 1 & 2(we'll leave Pearl Harbor alone). There is a reason why people don't study Michael Bay in film class as compared to Alfonso Cuaron or Terrence Malick...or even Michael Mann.
Film class? The film class I was in was a joke..
They are both thoroughly entertaining, and what could be more important than that?
Yes your film classes were a joke. But from talking with my friends who are film majors...their classes are actually good. Bay is no where to be found there.
Plus, we both know there is a stark difference between a Spielberg movie and a Bay movie. Both entertaining yes, but which one is quality entertainment?
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