Today is Sunday. Its about 30 degrees outside, which considering the past couple of days is actually warm. I really find it difficult (and depressing) to try and ride outdoors on the weekends, the days i should be do my 50 mile rides (that's long for me and my
fixie). For the past few months
I've been slowly (very slowly) accumulating winter cycling gear, but i seem to always be just slightly behind the weather on timing. For instance,
I've been waiting (for money) to purchase a certain sweet pair of tights and hardcore gloves, which i could go do today, but i really could have used them this past week. Specially since
Friday night's ride home parts of my legs
swoll up from the stinging cold. Most of the time i just suck it up once
I'm out on the bike but to get out there, its super difficult.
I'm hoping to just hang out a month or two longer and maybe
I'll be
OK come racing time. I mean,
I'm racing CAT 5 and honestly to be "
OK" would consist of being able to stay in the pack and not die. I'm hoping to learn about pack racing this
season, because up till now the only racing
I've done is
ITT's and making breaks on intense group rides (back about 7 years ago). Though from what
I've read on seasoned racer's blogs, CAT 5 is like a bad group ride gone wrong.
Even farther back about 12 years was this...

I ran the 1 mile kids race in 7:14 at the age of 10. The guy that won the 5k ran barefoot...i think he ran it in 16 or 17 I thought he was amazing. If you couldn't tell i beat all the other kids and got that cool trophy. I was pretty proud. My dad's pacing and coaching are what helped...
Nice T-shirt. I used to rock one of those in my idiotic XstraightXedgeX days.
probably the exact same size t-shirt right? Thats what the cool kids do here in DC (and Richmond too).
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